Artaxerxes III wearing the Pharaonic Atef crown
Los 1218
CILICIA. Myriandros. Mazaios, satrap of Cilicia, 361/0-334 BC. Obol (Silver, 8 mm, 0.54 g, 6 h). Artaxerxes III, in the guise of Baaltars, seated right on throne with back terminating in griffin’s head, wearing Pharaonic atef crown, holding lotus flower in his right hand and lotus-tipped scepter with his left. Rev. Youthful male head (Artaxerxes IV?) to left, wearing earring and Pharaonic atef crown. Göktürk 35. SNG Levante -. SNG Paris 429. Darkly toned. Some doubling and edge chipping and minor flan faults, otherwise, very fine.

From the collection of Judge Hans-Joachim Specht (1935-2024) and from the collection of a history enthusiast, Künker 304, 19 March 2018, 612.

The obverse of this intriguing coin features Artaxerxes III wearing the Pharaonic Atef crown and holding a lotus flower, both symbolizing the Persian reconquest of Egypt in 342/1 BC. Artaxerxes' decisive victory ended the final period of Egyptian independence, but it also marked the last major military achievement of the Achaemenid Empire - soon to fall to the campaign of Alexander III 'the Great' of Macedon.
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